2014 Tour de Biere – Thank You!
Thank you all!
In April, we mailed a check for $2000 to Bike East Bay (formerly the East Bay Bike Coalition), which is 61% more than we sent them last year. We donated 72.3% of the revenue from ticket sales.
Check out Bike East Bay’s Summer 2014 Ride On newsletter.. we are all in there thanks to your donations.
That puts us in the same category as City CarShare, Google, GU Energy, UC Berkeley, and Sungevity. Not bad!
And of course, we wouldn’t have been able to do this without support from the breweries:
- Faction Brewing
- The Rare Barrel
- Trumer Brauerei
- Linden Street
- Drake’s Brewing
- Pyramid Alehouse
- Sierra Nevada
- and Bicycle Coffee
Enjoy this gallery of photos from our ride: